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Here you can find the reviews submitted by tank drum owners.
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The best design in the world. As soon as I received my first Tank, I developed a spiritual love story with it. I recorded it, and the notes are spot on. I highly recommend Kosmosky for its design, sound, bag, shipping, all perfect.
Christina Diaz,
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
I love the drum. Sounds amazing. Took it to a music festival this past weekend and everyone fell in love with it. And it looks absolutely gorgeous. It was beyond my expectations. I will be recommending your drums to everyone! The bag is just right for making it easy to carry around.
George Bowden IV,
Newton, New Jercey, USA
Sending a Big THANK YOU to Kosmosky Tank drum for this amazingly beautiful and transcendental sounding musical work of art!! Barely put it down since I got it in today! Well worth the shipping time. Thank you!
Bastian Arndt,
Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Thank you very,very much! I love this drum! Fast shipment and pleasent contact!
Jeanne Franklin,
This company is very fast at shipping and producing their tongue drum. I was skeptical because it is produced overseas and thought it would take so much longer. I was afraid my drum would not arrive before Christmas. It arrived two weeks before Christmas and my son loves the instrument. I left my email address but communication is through etsy so make sure you check your account. I missed some of the questions by the seller that way. I recommend this company and appreciate the beautiful drum we purchased. Thank you!!
Jenny Siering,
Hamburg, Germany
I am in love with my new drum. Thank you for the realy friendly contact and this beautiful drum.
Heather Vick,
Eugene, Oregon, USA
This drum is sooo beautiful! Every time i play it i am amazed it is so easy to make it sound beautiful, i enjoy letting friends try so they see how easy it is to make it sound so lovely. Musical magic!! The makers of these drums are soo awesome, i had so so many questions to arrive at my final choice of drum and they were so very kind and patient with me and so helpful in helping me decide which drum was right for me. It is truly a work of art in everyway!
Sherri Moore,
I want to thank you guys for our beautiful drum. My partner was dying to have one only from you!! She takes it every where. The sound is simply amazing. The art design is out of this world. Thank you thank you, for bringing a smile to everyone's face.
Hege Tørtberg,
Dal, Norway
Juhu - I got all my wonderfull tankdrums yesterday! Its like meditation, soothing soundhealing just to play by my self, in yogaclasses or together with other instruments in soundbaths. We just love them. All different scales and looks ready for a yogafestival. Kosmosky = good quality, stabil, loyal and reliable. Im happy to be their Norwegian supplier!
Adrian Skyzo,
The tank drums & hang drums are the most relaxing and beautiful musical instruments you could ever own. I've played different Tank Drums, but I can assure that the ones created by Kosmosky are the best so far. The structure and the sound quality are wonderful. Perfect for yoga training, music therapy and also are perfect for introduce kids into music due its warm sound. Greetings from Spain!
Валерия Мягкова,
Мы не расстаёмся с ним и в поездках. Во все путешествия берём с собой наш глюкофон! Спасибо за прекрасный инструмент!!! Дети в восторге!
Кирилл Пантелеев,
Спасибо большое за этот маленький космос! Звучит отлично! Оформили как хотел, а главное что цена более чем приемлемая) Мир:3
Виктория Мизяк,
Он прибыл!!! И он прекрасен!!! Спасибо огромное!!!! За личный кусочек космоса! И за то, что успели до моего др! Прям большущее спасибо! Ребят, вы приумножаете счастье и добро в этом мире! P.S. а как он поёт! Это что-то волшебное!
Алексей Беляев,
Замечательные глюкофоны приехали в Санкт-Петербург уже больше месяца назад, успели погулять по Фонтанке, Невскому, прошлись мимо Исаакиевского собора, а потом и вообще решили съездить в город Павловск! Мы их, конечно же, сопровождали, сделали несколько фото и записали короткое видео, на котором пытаемся извлекать магические звуки. Спасибо Алексею и всей команде Kosmosky за волшебство, воплощённое в металлическом музыкальном инструменте, который величают и «глюкофон» и «тэнк-драм» и т.д. (ну вы сами знаете).
Наталья Красновская,
Тут работают ВОЛШЕБНИКИ!!! Заказала глюкофон в понедельник, а в четверг он уже звучит в моих руках!!!! А ведь я живу в Ростове-на-Дону... Как такое может быть? Не укладывается в голове... Я просто как ребёнок радуюсь и благодарю за чудо!!!
Оксана Гуляева,
Огромное спасибо за прекрасный инструмент! За возможность расслабиться, погрузиться в себя и просто созерцать мир, превратиться в чистое восприятие. Звук чарующий) Когда-нибудь ещё раз обстоятельства сложатся достаточно удачно, и у меня появится шанс приобрести ещё одного друга в другом строе)